Wednesday 29 April 2009

Exams!!! Argh!

Exam stress is reaching new highs every day! Im not one to get stressed over these things, but with each lecture that passes, new fears start to grow! Today during a lecture, a slide showing a microscope image containing what only can be described as pink dots appeared and the lecturer says' Im sure by now you'll all know this is a squamous cell carcinoma, if not id be worried'....Histology! aargh!! The nods of agreement from everyone else wasnt reassuring either!

So for everyone whos curious about medical exams...Im not sure if all medical schools follow the same format but I would assume they do...Anyway, we have 3 exams in first year (great!) one is called an MEQ and is very similar to the type of exam you do in Alevel biology, where they ask a question such as 'define the term carcinoma' and you answer 'epithelial maligant neoplasm', so basically question and answer (Im not sure how useful it is for you, for me to write questions, but let me know if your interested in what kind of questions we get and ill write some down from a practice paper!). Theres an exam called an EMQ, where the questions are mainly clinical based and you have a choice of a various amount of answers to choose from, so multi-choice. And then theres a multi-station exam, where theres lots of stations set up, each lasts for 4 minutes, and you work your way around. So one station may have a heart with a flag in a specific coronary artery and they will ask you to name the artery. And the worst thing is, what i found out today, if you fail just one of those exams, you have to resit them all! At a cost of around £400! How bad is that!

Just a short post today but it destracted me from revision for abit!


  1. 4th year medical student here.

    I've stumbled across your blog (you know how one click can lead to another and so on!). It's an honest and inspiring read - it shines through that you've overcome some obstacles to get to where you are at the moment so congrats on that.

    Best wishes for your upcoming exams

  2. Im really glad its an enjoyable read, even for the higher medics like yourself!
    The posts may get abit dull around exam time where not much is happening except possibly revision... but thankyou for the comment x
